Leadership, Culture & Coaching
Leadership for Personalised Care
Masterclass recordings
Please click below to access the recordings of the Introduction to Leadership for Personalised Care and Leading in Co-Production Masterclasses
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Course Booklet
Following on from the masterclasses please click below to view the course booklet with complimentary resources for you to work through and go more in depth into the topic.
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As part of the wider Our Dorset Workforce operating model, our Training Hub provides access for PCNs and Primary Care colleagues to a suite of System Leadership Development options including free places on our System Leader Programme, Team Leader and Operational Management Qualifications through Apprenticeships. However, we can also offer bespoke and tailored leadership and management programmes ranging from quick bite size learning sessions for small groups to longer blended learning programmes . Please follow the link below to access more information.
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or contact us at traininghub@ourdorset.nhs.uk.
Supporting Mentors Scheme
The Dorset Primary Care Training Hub are pleased to introduce The Supporting Mentors Scheme. This funded scheme is a national initiative and is aimed at providing mentoring support for newly qualified and less experienced GPs, whilst also providing development opportunities and new ways to apply their skills and knowledge for longer serving GPs trough the role as mentor. The scheme enables us to provide mentoring support through our experienced and knowledgeable GP Mentors for our newly qualified and less experienced GPs. In joining the scheme, GP mentors can use and share their experience to support GPs who are joining the workforce and beginning their career in general practice.
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What to Expect
This scheme will enable GP mentors to connect with newly qualified and less experienced GPs to help them embed into the local general practice environment and become an integral part of the local primary care team.
The scheme provides:
- Access to fully accredited local GP Mentors with a wealth of knowledge and experience for those looking for a mentor.
- Funded accredited training for new GP Mentors to equip them with the necessary skills to mentor and ‘give back’ to their GP colleagues. GP mentors will also be entitled to financial reimbursement for the mentor sessions they conduct. If a GP already holds a mentorship qualification (ILM5 in Coaching and Mentoring, or similar) there is no need for them to undertake any additional training. They will be able to deliver mentorship sessions through this scheme (subject to meeting local criteria).
In order to access a GP Mentor, you will need to:
- Be a GP Fellow on the Dorset newly qualified GP Fellowship scheme.
- Be a newly qualified GP delivering general practice services in Dorset.
- Be a Dorset GP who has self-referred or been signposted to accessing a mentor for support.
In order to become a GP Mentor, you will need to:
- Be an experienced and motivated GP, either as a partner or in a salaried post, working in general practice who holds full registration and a licence to practise with the General Medical Council (GMC).
- Be working at least three clinical sessions per week and be willing and able to conduct one additional session of mentoring per week when required.
- Meet the requirements for remaining on the NHS England GP Performers List and report to NHS England any concerns that might affect their status on the National Medical Performers List and
- Not be subject to interim suspension under section 41A of the Medical Act 1983.
How To Apply
If you wish to register your interest in becoming a Mentor, please complete the Expression of Interest form via the link below. Once you have completed the form a representative from the Dorset Primary Care Training Hub will be in contact to discuss this with you further.
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If you wish to access a Mentor and would like to discuss this with a member of our team please contact the Dorset Primary Care Training Hub team at traininghub@ourdorset.nhs.uk.
Organisational Development for PCNs
Bespoke support. Using a four-stage consultancy approach our team will:
1. Discover – your network’s employee culture and engagement development needs
2. Design – a series of interventions that would support with embedding the desired culture
3. Deliver – facilitate as necessary during engagement events
4. Evaluate – against the predefined metrics to measure progress
Examples could include:
- Design and support with an engagement and culture survey, enlisting support of culture champions within the network to support the discovery, design and delivery work.
- Workshops to co-design vision, values and behaviours.
How we can support your development with coaching. Coaching can be a thought-provoking and creative process and will help you to maximise your personal and professional potential. Recent research points out the huge personal benefits to people who have coaching, particularly at times of change.
Coaching can:
- Improve your sense of direction, clarity of thoughts and focus
- Re-boot your passion for what you are doing
- Facilitate your decision making at crossroad points in your career
- Help identify key priorities
- Develop your capacity to take on new roles and responsibilities
- Provide a safe place to discuss motivations and refresh thinking about challenges and opportunities
- Assist you when starting in a new role
- Improved level of self and other awareness
- Facilitate exploration of fresh perspectives to tricky challenges
- Interested in finding a Coach? If you are looking for a coach to help guide you please visit our Coaching Faculty page . Alternatively you can email us and we will contact you with more information.
Click here to find out more > >
Already a trained Coach? Contact us if you would like to join our coaching faculty.
Nurse Leadership
Please follow the link below to listen to the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Podcast featuring Sally Bassett and Kate Wells-McCulloch talking about Critical Conversations.
Management Fundamentals
The Our Dorset Training Hub Team are pleased to offer this series of practical, virtual, bite-size management tool and technique sessions for anyone in a new management or team leading position at a GP Practice level.