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Virtual Workshop | Time Management

February 5 @ 9:30 am - 12:30 pm

Dorset Sessional Positions

The Primary Care Academy (South West) would like to invite you to attend

“Time Management” educational session which will be held on:

Wednesday 5th February 2025  0930-1230

Do you always run late?

Do you often find that you are in a hurry to do important tasks that creep up on you at the last minute?

Do you sometimes find it difficult to plan for or remember important meetings (or worse still family / social occasions)


During this workshop we will:

  • Explore some tried and tested techniques that can be taken away which will improve our

time management

  • Discuss strategies that will help us to be more effective clinically and to run more to time in


  • To raise awareness of things that are likely to steal our time and share time savings tips
  • To remind ourselves of the principles of effective delegation and prioritisation

Facilitator:  Dr Andy Eaton

Registration: To register your interest for this event, please complete the booking form link:  https://forms.office.com/e/LyXQUB592F


We would like to encourage participants to be in a quiet environment where they can engage, interact and talk to others with their camera on.


Questions about the event or the Primary Care Academy should be sent to:  England.PrimaryCareAcademy.sw@nhs.net


February 5
9:30 am - 12:30 pm

