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Mental Capacity and Adult Safeguarding

25 September 2018 @ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Date: 25th September 2018

Time: 9:00 – 16:30

Location: Bournemouth Learning Centre, Ensbury Avenue, Bournemouth, BH10 4HG

Target Audience: Practice Nursing Staff

Refreshments: Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Topic: Adult Safeguarding to include the Mental Capacity Act, Domestic Abuse and PREVENT (UK counter terrorist programme)

Delivered by: Solomon Theatre Group



Using a theatre company, we are offering a day’s training to look at the application and interpretation of both issues. It is highly recommended that at least one individual from your team is encouraged to attend, to ensure you are aware of your statutory responsibilities.

It will be an all day event, BUT you can choose to attend either the morning of afternoon or both depending upon your availability.

Morning Session
09:00 – 12:30

Challenges when working with individuals who you think may lack capacity?

Almost every Safeguarding Adult Review states that staff struggle in understanding and applying the Mental Capacity Act in practice. During recent CQC inspections it has been highlighted that staff often do not fully understand the complexities of both the Mental Capacity Act and Adult Safeguarding.

This session will bring to life familiar scenario’s that you may face in your day to day working life. The aim will be to allow you to stand back, observe and reflect on your practice, by watching dramatisation. It will provide a safe forum to discuss good practice, areas of concern, and some of the challenges you may face.

As health professionals, we have a statutory duty to identify and report safeguarding issues and adhere to the Mental Capacity Act, it is hope the facilitated sessions will increase your confidence and support your practice by stimulating further thinking and discussion on these issues.

Afternoon Session
13:15 – 16:30

Identify adults who may be at risk of or experiencing Domestic Abuse and or Human Trafficking

Human trafficking – Do you think it could happen in Dorset?

It is the trade of humans for the purpose of forced labour and sexual slavery and the UK is the third highest county with reported modern-day slavery and human trafficking.

The session will explore through dramatisation how this might present itself to you in your work, and help you to have confidence to take the next steps to report it.

Domestic abuse statistics show an estimated 1.9 million adults aged 16 to 59 years experienced domestic abuse in 2017, this does not include individual over the age of 59, who may have a long-term condition, dementia or frailty

You may be working with an individual who discloses domestic abuse, what would you do?

The session will be delivered by You First (an independent DA provider in Dorset), its aim will be to highlight what domestic abuse is, how you identify victim and where you can refer to for support and assessment.

As health professionals, we have a statutory duty to identify and report safeguarding issues and adhere to the Mental Capacity Act, it is hope the facilitated sessions will increase your confidence and support your practice by stimulating further thinking and discussion on these issues.

You are welcome to come to either or both sessions but there is a golden thread running through both sessions.

To book a place on this event please click here