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Primary Care Training Hub

  • Knowledge and Library Services

    Knowledge and Library Services for GPs and Practice Teams

    NHS Knowledge and Library Services can give you access to the most up to date and trusted evidence and information in healthcare today, enabling high quality decision making, learning and development, research and innovation across England, locally, regionally and nationally.

    For more information on the key products and services the National NHS Knowledge and Library Service provides, click here: Knowledge and Library Services for GPs and Practice Teams

  • Respiratory Medicine

    Respiratory Resources

    Respiratory disease affects 1 in 5 people and is the third biggest cause of death in England.

    Hospital admissions for lung disease have risen over the past seven years at three times the rate of all admissions generally. The NHS Long Term Plan aims to improve the lives and outcomes of people with respiratory disease by diagnosing and treating conditions earlier and making sure that people with respiratory disease are receiving the right medication.

    In the last 18 months we have improved access to asthma diagnostics such as Fractional exhaled Nitric Oxide or FeNO, more practitioners in Dorset have undertaken accredited Spirometry training and we have commenced on a five year transformation plan to Pulmonary Rehabilitation. Below are resources to help you diagnose and manage your patients with long term respiratory conditions such as asthma and COPD. We will include details of webinars and links to new guidance and resources as they become available.

    Asthma Guidelines:

    Click here to view the Dorset Asthma Update for Primary Care 2022 with Dr Will McConnell from Dorset County Hospital.

    Multilingual Resources for asthma:

    Click here to view a QR poster that gives access to a range of self-management videos in 10 languages.

    The videos can be seen on the BTS website, on the below page and under the “Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust Asthma Self-Management Videos” section:


    Multilingual FeNO patient information leaflets:

    Wessex AHSN have also developed multilingual FeNO patient information leaflet which has been translated to 7 languages, along with corresponding audio recordings – accessed at the below link:


    FeNO in Asthma eLearning Programme:

    ‘The national Accelerated Access Collaborative (AAC) Fractional exhaled Nitric Oxide (FeNO) programme aims to improve asthma care across England by increasing the use of FeNO testing, especially in primary care to aid better asthma diagnosis and management.

    The elearning modules are designed to enhance awareness of FeNO testing to support increasing the test’s uptake whilst also ensuring health care professionals are provided with the knowledge and skills required for the optimal use of this simple and safe test in the diagnosis and management of asthma.’

    Click here for more information

    Diagnostic Spirometry in Primary Care – Standard Operating Procedure February 2023:

    Click here to view: South West Region – Diagnostic Spirometry in Primary Care, Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Feb 23

    SABA Overuse:

    Dorset Respiratory Champions are working with their networks on SABA inhaler overuse. Well controlled asthmatics should not require more than two canisters of reliever SABA a year. The excessive (e.g. more than six canisters in 12 months) use of salbutamol and other short acting bronchodilators in asthma is associated with poor outcomes and even death (NHSE). The presentation below outlines the issues with SABA overuse and steps that can be taken to avoid this where appropriate. Click here to view presentation.

    COPD Guidelines presentation:

    Dr Will McConnell (Dorset County Hospital Respiratory Consultant) with colleagues recently gave a number of networks presentations on COPD long term management. A copy of the slides used at these events can be found here: Click here to view presentation.

    Greener medicines – Medicines Optimisation

    This section provides access to updated Dorset Asthma & COPD guidelines, as well as guidance on the principles of improving sustainability in respiratory care. For more information visit: Greener medicines – Medicines Optimisation (nhsdorset.nhs.uk)

  • CVD Prevent

    CVD Prevent is a programme to reduce prevalence of cardiovascular disease and is an integral part of the NHS Long Term Plan. It includes a major ambition to prevent 150,000 strokes and heart attacks over the next ten years by improving the treatment of the high-risk conditions – hypertension (high blood pressure), Hypercholesterolaemia (high cholesterol) and atrial fibrillation (AF). CVD Prevent benchmarks and targets are supported by the CVD Prevent Audit (the CVDP audit) as well being included in network DES, QOF and IIF schemes.

    CVD Prevent Presentations by Dr Martin Longley

    These recordings are from calls arranged to engage with networks on CVD Prevent and its implications for primary care. Presented by Dr Martin Longley (GP and the ICS CVD Prevent Primary Care Lead) they cover:

    • What is CVD Prevent?
    • Local Dorset governance around CVD Prevent
    • The CVDP audit with local data summaries and Dorset Cardiology Oversight Group
    • CVD Prevent workstreams including key messages
    • Next steps including the development of a DiiS CVD Prevent dashboard

    By watching the recordings we hope you will have a clearer picture of CVD Prevent, what is being measured in the CVDP audit and why, how data from the CVDP audit can be used and how other schemes tie in to the CVD Prevent agenda.

    Blandford, Jurassic Coast, Mid Dorset, Sherbourne and The Vale Networks:

    Bournemouth East, Central Bournemouth, Christchurch and North Bournemouth Networks:

    Poole Bay and Bournemouth, Poole Central, Shore Medical and South Coast Medical Networks:

    Weymouth and Portland (Two Harbours Network):

    Other CVD Prevent Presentations:

    University College Partners London (UCLP) and British Heart Foundation have produced further information graphics on Hypertension. UCLP used data taken from the National Cardiovascular Intelligence Network (2021) and NHS Digital QOF returns 20/21, British Heart Foundation used data taken from NHS Digital QOF returns 21/22 and CVD Prevent Audit Sept 2022. BHF shows data relating to practices, rates of hypertension and treatment to plan with potential gaps between diagnosed and controlled hypertension. UCLP shows data at a network level and the potential to reduce strokes and heart attacks if hypertension treatment to plan was improved to 80% for diagnosed patients. Both graphics say they have used the latest information possible and this may not accurately reflect the current position, however, they allow networks and practices to consider the level of focus required for Hypertension management.

    Click here to view: Size of the Prize by Dorset PCN 

    Click here to view: High Blood Pressure – A British Heart Foundation Resource for All Primary Care Staff

    Upcoming CVD Prevent Webinars:

    To be confirmed

    Previous CVD Prevent Webinars:

    16 May 2023 – CVD Prevention – UCL Partners Proactive Care for Familial Hypercholesterolemia – Events Calendar (primarycaredorset.co.uk)

    21 Feb 2023 – CVD Prevention – UCL Partners: Proactive Care for Hypertension Management – Events Calendar (primarycaredorset.co.uk)

    7 March 2023 – South-East CVD Workshop: Offering Primary Care implementation support with using the UCLPartners CVD Proactive Care Frameworks

    21 March 2023 – CVD Prevention – UCL Partners: Proactive Management for Lipid Management – Events Calendar (primarycaredorset.co.uk)

    18 April 2023 – CVD Prevention – UCL Partners: Proactive Care for Atrial Fibrillation – Events Calendar (primarycaredorset.co.uk)

    20 April 2023: CVDPrevent Third Annual Report: Using the data to drive system change webinar

    Previous Lipid Management Pathways Webinars

    22 March 2023 – Lipid Management Pathways: Improve your CVD knowledge, learn about the latest treatment pathways and how to access expert advice and resources (click to view slides)

    20 April 2023 – Lipid Management Pathways – Improve your CVD knowledge, learn about the latest treatment pathways and how to access expert advice and resources (Click to view slides)

    For recordings of these webinars:

    Click here to view Introduction by Jules Payne

    Click here to view the Webinar – 22 March 2023

    Click here to view the Webinar – 20 April 2023

    CVD Press Partnership:

    Click here to view slides on the CVD Press Partnership

    The Press Partnership comprises over 350 national, regional, local and multicultural publications in England, reaching 28.6m adults (53%) daily. The content raises awareness of the prevalence and risks of CVD, that it is largely preventable and encourages people to take the first step and get their blood pressure checked. The content also drives uptake of the NHS App.

    We encourage practices to use theses slides and the information in them to promote self-checking and the use of the NHS App amongst patients.

    Lipid Management Resources – Heart UK and AHSN:

    Heart UK and the Academic Health Sciences Network are working with NHS England, to support primary care in the prevention and management of cardiovascular disease through its national Lipid Management and Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH) programme of work.

    The two organisations have developed a series of animations and leaflets to highlight the importance of managing cholesterol, and the steps that can be taken if cholesterol levels are high. Leaflets can be ordered by practices directly from Hearth UK at no cost by following the link here.

  • QI Lite

    QI Lite is an interactive two-hour course, which gives participants a quick and basic understanding of quality improvement (QI).

    It is aimed at individuals who are new to the subject and want to understand what we mean by Qi and how we can use an improvement methodology in our everyday roles.

    The course introduces QI methodology and some of the most commonly used tools to support you in making small improvements in your work area.

    It is open to both local authority and healthcare staff, whether operational, clinical, non-clinical, or commissioning, and is free of charge.

    Please email traininghub@ourdorset.nhs.uk for more information or click here to book now

  • Mental Health Train the Trainer Opportunity

    We are pleased to share an exciting opportunity for clinical colleagues working in primary care to become Mental Health Trainers supporting fellow primary care colleagues in Dorset. The opportunities are for clinical colleagues from any qualified clinical background such as Nurse, AHP, Social Worker or a GP.

    Click here to find out more >>

  • Primary Care Training Hub Education Podcasts

    Welcome to our educational Podcast zone!

    Here you will find all of our educational podcasts, starting with a series of monthly podcasts from our Palliative Care Specialists.

    The Palliative Care Specialists in Dorset have come together to produce a series of educational podcasts. Please follow the link below to listen to this month episode.

    Click here to find out more >>

    After you have listened to this podcast, please remember to complete the feedback survey and let us know by emailing us at traininghub@ourdorset.nhs.uk indicating which episode/s you have listened to. Once you have completed the survey you will be issued with a certificate of completion.

    Please remember to subscribe or follow the Primary Care Training Hub Podcast wherever you access your podcasts.

  • Clinical Education

    Our Shared Learning programme brings together specialists from across the system to deliver education for primary care colleagues.  We are currently in the process of planning our curriculum for the remainder of the year and details will be added to our CPD & Training Calendar and shared with all practices when confirmed.  Watch this space.

    Our annual Hot Topics event is very popular with our GPs with around 200 GPs attending every year.  We are currently exploring options as we emerge from COVID  rules and will be sharing more information in due course.

    Paediatric Education

    Looking After Unwell Children During Winter.

    This page is filled with resources linked to our recent webinar focusing on this topic. This includes a recording of the webinar and many useful documents and links to further information.

    Heart Failure Education

    Working with specialist colleagues in the UHD Heart Failure Team we are very pleased to introduce a series of education sessions where Primary Care colleagues are invited to attend live or watch the recordings. The aim is to provide sessions on evidence-based heart failure care and to optimise cohesive primary and secondary care.  There will be one session a month with a new topic/area of focus for each session and the team are keen to receive ideas for future sessions.

    Future Sessions (Taking place via online Teams meeting first Thursday of the month from 13:00-13:30)

    • 6 July 2023 – Heart Failure: Guidelines Update by Professor Boos, UHD Cardiologist
    • 7 September 2023 – Iron Deficiency and Heart Failure
    • (Please note there is no planned talk for August)

    To attend please email Marijke Bruce (In-reach Heart Failure Advanced Nurse Practitioner at University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust) at marijke.bruce@uhd.nhs.uk.

    Previous Sessions

    Here you can find presentation slides and some recordings for previous sessions:

    Certificate of completion

    You will need to complete a short feedback survey in order to obtain you certificate of attendance. Your feedback is really important in helping to shape and develop the education sessions.

    After you have completed the survey, please remember to let us know by emailing us at traininghub@ourdorset.nhs.uk indicating which session/s you have watched.

    CDEP ‘Bite-sized’ Diabetes Training for Healthcare Staff

    CDEP diabetes trainings are developed to improve knowledge, boost confidence, and promote safer patient care. Each CDEP topic generates a CPD certificate and reflection document for revalidation and appraisal purposes as well as exciting CDEP rewards.

    For further information about these trainings, please click here.

    Dorset Asthma Guidelines 2022

    Click here to view the Dorset Asthma Update for Primary Care 2022 with Will McConnell. 

  • GP Assistant (GPA)

    The GP Assistant (GPA) is a new and emerging role created to relieve some of the pressure on GPs. Health Education England is supporting the spread and adoption of The GP Assistant (GPA) and Devon Training Hub are co-ordinating the rollout of Phase 2 of this project on behalf of the South West Region. This project will see 40 candidates from across General Practice in the South West trained into the GPA role and have the opportunity to achieve the GP Assistant Certificate.

    Please click here to find out more >>

    Please follow the link below to access the GP Assistants Spread and Adoption across the South West Frequently Asked Questions.

    Please click here to find out more >>

    Please follow the link below to download the enrolment form.

    Please click here to find out more >>

    Please note the deadline for applications is the 16th April 2021.

  • Training Needs Analysis

    To ensure our Training Hub provides access to the training and education PCNs require, we will work with PCNs and Practice to undertake a thorough Training Needs Analysis.  Our focus is to help PCNs to develop their workforce in order to achieve their goals.

    Working at a system level, we are working in partnership with the education leads from the NHS Trusts to consolidate the Training Needs Analysis across organisations to inform prioritisation and investment of workforce development funding/upskilling.

  • Student placements

    Our Practice Education Team can support you with all aspects of supporting students in practice and offer ongoing support for students and placement providers across Primary Care and Social Care.

    Offering clinical placements for students is a wonderful way to celebrate the fantastic work that is happening across Dorset, and provides a unique opportunity to showcase the skills, expertise and knowledge of your team.

    Students are more likely to seek employment in areas they have experienced during their training. By promoting the variety of opportunities for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals in Primary Care and Social Care we can generate future talent to join the workforce in the coming years.

    If you are interested in supporting a placement, are currently hosting a learner on placement, or have a member of staff on placement elsewhere and have any questions, or would like further information please contact: contact@joinourdorset.nhs.uk.


  • Practice Supervisor and Practice Assessor Training

    We are now offering Practice Supervisor and Practice Assessor Training in Dorset.

    This training is free of charge and is open to all registered professionals across Dorset. It is suitable as an annual update for all Practice Supervisors and Practice Assessors, and for anyone who has a previous Mentor qualification and would like to become a Practice Supervisor and Assessor.

    If you or your colleagues are interested in supporting students for the first time-please get in touch via contact@joinourdorset.nhs.uk as we also provide training and support for those who do not have any previous mentoring experience.

    Click here for more information >>

  • Career Development Frameworks (including Advance Clinical Practice)

    We are working with partners across the ICS to support the development of best practice and consistent career development frameworks for:

    • Nursing
    • Allied Health Professionals
    • Pharmacy

    We will support PCNs and Practices to access the frameworks, embed them and maximise them to support the development of existing staff and to attract and recruit new workforce.

    In addition to this and in response to workforce risk assessment, planning, and new models of care, we are supporting the development of an Advanced Clinical Practice framework across Dorset.  We believe this will increase access to ACP programmes for colleagues in Dorset.

  • Protected Learning Time

    We provide support to PCNs and Practices to plan activity during PLT sessions.  This includes, but is not limited to training, education, team development sessions and networking.  Contact us with your needs and ideas and we’ll work with you to develop and deliver a successful session.

  • GP Retainer Annual Education Event

    To support our GP Retainers, we run an annual education event to provide crucial updates and refresher training.  Please contact us or check our CPD & Training Calendar for information about our next event.

  • Live Well Dorset (LWD) is a behaviour change service that offers information and suppor to adults in Dorset who wish to take action to improve their health and wellbeing. Using expertise in behaviour change, LWD supports individuals to initiate lifestyle changes that benefit their physical health and general wellbeing. To maximise the potential for positive change in the community, LWD offers trainings in Health, Wellbeing and Behaviour Change. The sessions are designed to firstly support delegates with their own wellbeing, but additionally to develop the skills needed to promote health and wellbeing amongst co-workers and service-users.

    Click here to find out more >>
  • The Learning Hub

    The Learning Hub is a digital platform that provides easy access to a wide range of education and training resources for the health and care workforce. Organisations and users can contribute and share resources for those in health and care to access.

    Click here for more information >>

  • If you’re a healthcare professional and want to bring your knowledge of menopause and HRT up to speed, The Menopause Charity has worked with Newson Health Research and Education and Fourteen Fish, to offer one free ‘Confidence in the Menopause’ online course to every GP practice in the UK.

    This menopause education programme is aimed at any healthcare professional who sees women and who would like to formalise and accredit their learning and consulting skills around the area of the menopause.

    This offer is valid for one year between 14th May 2021 until the 14th May 2022. Free offer applies to GP practices in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and is limited to one per practice.

    For more information, please follow the link below.

    Click here to find out more >>
  • Frailty eLearning Programme

    ‘The London Clinical Network for Frailty in collaboration with Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Wessex Academic Health Science Network have developed this elearning programme which aims to standardise training and knowledge of frailty as a complex multi-system, long term condition. This education programme is compliant with the Frailty, A framework of core capabilities’ (2018) and has been funded through Health Education England’s Urgent and Emergency Care Workforce Collaborative for London.’

    Click here for more information >>

  • FeNO in Asthmas eLearning Programme

    ‘The national Accelerated Access Collaborative (AAC) Fractional exhaled Nitric Oxide (FeNO) programme aims to improve asthma care across England by increasing the use of FeNO testing, especially in primary care to aid better asthma diagnosis and management.

    The elearning modules are designed to enhance awareness of FeNO testing to support increasing the test’s uptake whilst also ensuring health care professionals are provided with the knowledge and skills required for the optimal use of this simple and safe test in the diagnosis and management of asthma.’

    Click here for more information >>