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Meal Deal – food hygiene and nutrition

8 November 2018 @ 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm

This workshop looks at food hygiene and the dining experience as outlined in the Care Certificate and by the CQC, delivered in conjunction with Kingston Maurward College

The intention of CQC regulation 14: Meeting Nutritional and Hydration Needs is to ensure that people who use services (patients, clients), have adequate nutrition and hydration to sustain life and good health and reduce the risks of malnutrition and dehydration while they receive care and treatment.

This essential requirement was also highlighted within the Francis Inquiry resulting in Standard 8 of the Care Certificate: Fluids and Nutrition, which highlights the need to understand the principles of hydration, nutrition and food safety

The 3 ½ hr workshop looks at points highlighted above and encourages learners to reflect on own working practice with an aim to improve the whole meal experience for the patients.

Suitable for both clinical and non-clinical staff who assist and supervise food preparation and delivery in any health care setting.

Some pre-workshop learning is required (a workbook is provided).

Cost: £50

Please download the Weldmar Education Booking Form (Word 446kb)

Education Programme 2018 v2


8 November 2018
1:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Event Category: