Well-being and Workforce support
Primary Care Training Hub
WellNet is Our Dorset’s all-new, one-stop platform for staff wellbeing.
Wellnet aims to transform system-wide access to wellbeing support in a social and inclusive way by building a community of practice that promotes resource sharing, collaboration and support for one another.
WellNet will recognise and celebrate the diverse range of activities colleagues across the system engage in to look after their health and wellbeing and the wellbeing of others.
Click here to sign up to a Wellnet account today and get access to PCN specific offers!
'Looking After You Too Coaching' - Confidential Coaching for our Primary Care Workforce
We recognise that our frontline primary care colleagues, both clinical and non-clinical, are continuing to work hard caring for their patients.
Individual coaching is available with a skilled and experienced coach who will work with you to discuss any area of your wellbeing that you would like to address. They will listen, ask questions and support you to develop practical strategies to cope with your situation and stay well.
It might be that by having a one-off conversation you will have all the strategies you need, or you might find a few sessions helpful. It is all led by you.
Click here to read more, register and make a booking.
Coronavirus Guidance
NHS England and NHS Improvement Coronavirus guidance for Primary Care:
Please use the following link to access the NHS COVID-19 guidance for Primary Care. Coronavirus » Primary care (england.nhs.uk)
Guidance on recruitment, pay, leave and disruption to normal working:
- Please use the following link to access the document that has been produced to give Primary Care Networks and GP Practices guidance on how to deal with the evolving and unprecedented HR/Workforce related situations related to COVID-19. Please note that it is generic guidance and should be locally applied.
Click here to find out more >>
- Please use the following link to access the COVID-19 Advice and Guidance on deploying workforce.
- Please use the following link to access the document that has been produced to support the assessment and development of an action plan for staff with underlying health conditions.
Click here to find out more >>
- Please use the following link to access the Coronavirus Isolation Note Service, a new temporary service that has been developed to provide evidence for employed people advised to self-isolate through Coronavirus.
Click here to find out more >>
- Please use the following link to access the national guidance regarding schools and key workers.
Click here to find out more >>
- To access the guidance relating to school closures, please use the link below.
Click here to find out more >>
- Please use the following link to access information regarding temporary measures from the Disclosure and Barring Service.
Click here to find out more >>
- Clinical Negligence indemnity in response to coronavirus.
Click here to find out more >>
- Government announces relaxation to rules on carrying over annual leave.
Click here to find out more >>
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): health, care and volunteer workers parking pass and concessions.
Click here to find out more >>
Should you have any questions or concerns not covered by this guidance, please email traininghub@ourdorset.nhs.uk
Mutual Workforce Aid Support:
All agencies in Dorset and nationally are working together to take all the necessary steps to contain and delay the spread of the COVID-19 virus and to ensure we are well prepared for increases in cases across Dorset.
To help, we have developed a framework for our health and care partners to access additional and reciprocate workforce related assistance in response to fluctuating organisational demand during the COVID-19 period. This support is likely to include temporary recruitment and redeployment of staff, training, health and wellbeing and staff accommodation support.
This framework is intended to sit alongside the business continuity arrangements taking place within your own organisations. The framework provides a second tier approach to coordinating the temporary recruitment and deployment of defined cohorts of staff (see below) as well as facilitating workforce related mutual support and signposting to national advice and guidance.
This framework extends to all NHS organisations and GP Practices across Dorset. Discussions are underway with Local Councils and independent care home providers across Dorset about which elements of the framework compliment the work they are doing.
Management Support:
- Helpful information for returning clinicians and those employing returning clinicians
Click here to find out more >>
- The impact of COVID-19 on BME communities and health and care staff
Click here to find out more >>
Additional Skills Training:
- Verification of Death Training for Registered Nurses
Click here to find out more >>
- Guidance for the removal of (doffing) personal protective equipment (PPE)
Click here to find out more >>
- Instructional video for Donning and Doffing of PPE and Swabbing Training
- Analysis of COVID-19 related skills and training needs and PCN Champion level training
- Location and venue provided for such training and coordination and management of training at PCN level
- NB Medical have produced a free on-demand webinar that you can watch in your own time. It includes the essentials of what you really need to know to safely and effectively manage COVID-19. It is broken down into 3 modules, each lasting approx. 30 minutes to give 1.5 hours of CPD
Click here to find out more >>
- The Deteriorating Patient: Assessment, Recognition And Management course is available online, it’s free of charge and is aimed at NHS health care workers who need to understand how to recognise and intervene with a patient whose physical condition deteriorates. The learning and teaching materials are supported by a drama that unfolds over six episodes, and follows the journey of Mr. Gary Mitchell as he becomes ill but goes on to recover. At the end of the course you can print out your certificate of attendance
Click here to find out more >>
Profession Specific Advice & Guidance:
Information & support for nurses working within General Practice during COVID-19
Click here to find out more >>
If you are looking for ways to mobilise your teams within/across PCNs, set up rotas for new teams such as visiting teams or hot sites/cold sites, the Our Dorset Passport (powered by Lantum) is 100% free and could be the answer you’re looking for. Speak to one of our team today to find our more.
Please use the following link to access a great example of how digital staffing platforms can support the setup of hot hubs.
Click here to find out more >>