Workforce & Careers
Additional Roles Information
Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) – Please note this section of the site is still under construction.
Additional Roles were introduced for Primary Care Networks (PCNs) as part of the annual Network Contract Directed Enhanced Service (DES) from 2019 -2024 to implement The NHS Long Term Plan published in January 2019 following significant investment to expand the workforce to provide additional capacity in general practice.
The roles funded under this scheme are as follows and resources under each one can be found by clicking on the role name.
- Clinical Pharmacist
- Pharmacy Technician
- First Contact Physiotherapist
- Paramedic
- Social Prescribing Link Worker
- Health and Wellbeing Coach
- Care Co-ordinator and Digital Care Co-ordinator
- Physician Associate
- Dietician
- Podiatrist
- Occupational Therapist
- Nursing Associate
- Trainee Nursing Associate (Content to be added soon)
- Mental Health Practitioner
- Physician Associate
- General Practice Assistant
- Digital and Transformation Lead