Fellowship Support Page
Primary Care Training Hub
Welcome to our Fellowship Support Page. This page is dedicated to supporting Dorset fellows with ongoing learning and development during the fellowship and beyond. The page will be regularly updated with new resources, information and links. Some of these may be time limited so we would recommend checking the page on a regular basis. Updates regarding new content will be shared via the fellowship network.
A thorough induction is the best way to get you off to a flying start with your fellowship. We have therefore developed an Induction Checklist to help give some hints and tips to ensure the most important aspects are covered. Fellowship learning sessions can be used to undertake the suggested activity. During this time you may find it helpful to create a Personal Development Plan for your time on the fellowship programme.
Peer Support
As part of the fellowship programme we have created a peer support network for all fellows to use via Microsoft Teams. It provides a safe space to speak with other individuals who are also undertaking one of the fellowship programmes. It provides a way to get to know each other and offer help and support throughout the duration of the programme. Once we have received your signed MoU, you will receive an email containing the link to join the Fellows team. Please note you can download the Microsoft Team app from the app/android store for free to use on your phone, tablet and computer. Using it in this way enables you to use the chat function in a similar way to WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger.
CPD & Development
- NHS Leadership Academy’s Edward Jenner Launch or Foundation programme: https://www.leadershipacademy.nhs.uk/programmes/the-edward-jenner-programme/
- Healthcare Leadership Model self-assessment tool: https://www.leadershipacademy.nhs.uk/resources/healthcare-leadership-model/supporting-tools-resources/healthcare-leadership-model-self-assessment-tool/
Clinical education
- Cancer Course: https://www.gatewayc.org.uk/browse-free-interactive-cancer-courses/
- Dementia Training Videos for Primary Care: https://www.england.nhs.uk/south/south-west-clinical-network/our-networks/mental-health-network/clinicians-professionals/south-west-clinical-network-our-networks-mental-health-network-clinicians-professionals/
- Primary Care Webinars: https://www.england.nhs.uk/coronavirus/primary-care/other-resources/webinars/
- Managing Children’s Health: https://primarycaredorset.co.uk/looking-after-unwell-children-during-winter-resources/
- The Lost Update: https://bit.ly/lostupdate
- Moving Medicine: https://movingmedicine.ac.uk/
- E-Learning For Healthcare: https://portal.e-lfh.org.uk/
Remote Working
- Telephone & Video Consultation: https://www.nbmedical.com/NBWebinarSelection?ID=a0K1p00000c0ODVEA2&title=Hot%20Topics%20Top%20Tips%20for%20Telephone%20Triage%20&%20Video%20Consulting https://www.gmc-uk.org/ethical-guidance/ethical-hub/remote-consultations
- Remote Total Triage Model in General Practice: https://portal.e-lfh.org.uk/Component/Details/609561
- Remote consulting and recruitment: https://learn.nes.nhs.scot/28943/coronavirus-covid-19/remote-consulting-and-recruitment
- Education Hub: https://www.archealth.io/education
- Our Dorset Workforce Digital Support Page: https://primarycaredorset.co.uk/digital-support-page/
- Online Consultations Made Easy For Primary Care: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBSJdUvyxuI
- Video consultations: How To Set Them Up Well, Fast? – With Prof Trish Greenhalgh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaTuiXFEP88
Training Courses
Leading Together: Professional Development- This is fully funded by the Dorset Primary Care Training Hub
Click here to find out more >>
Sandra Charitable Trust: Developing Newly Registered Nursing and Midwifery Leaders Programme
Click here to find out more >>
Project Management Lite
Our Dorset Project Management Lite (PM Lite) is an introductory training course that has been designed and is delivered by experts from across ‘Our Dorset’. The course is fully funded and is open to both Clinical and non-Clinical staff across ‘Our Dorset’. The course focuses upon providing the relevant tools and knowledge to help those delivering projects, transformation or COVID reset, recovery or task and finish groups within health and social care. There are three more cohorts this year, running in April, June and September. So, if you would like to register your interest or find out more please click on the links below or get in touch with us at PMDevelopment@dorsetccg.nhs.uk.
- Register your interest here
- PM Lite journey video here
- Join Our Dorset website link https://joinourdorset.nhs.uk/projectmanagement/
- Access pre-course guidance here
- Access the self-assessment tool here This is a helpful way for you to better understand your own behaviours within project management and highlight your areas of strength as well as priorities for development. The self-assessment tool encourages you to think about which competencies are particularly important for your role and organisation as well as your level of knowledge and experience to inform your development plans.
- Access the Project Management
Competency Framework here
An Overview of the ICS
GP Education Sites
BMA https://www.bma.org.uk/events
GP Forum https://www.gpforum.com/aboutus.php
E-Learning for Healthcare https://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/
NB Medical https://nbmedical.secure.force.com/NBGPUpdateCourses
Pulse https://www.pulse-learning.co.uk/
Prescqipp https://www.prescqipp.info/learning/prescqipp-e-learning/
Red Whale https://www.gp-update.co.uk/courses
Royal College of General Practitioners http://www.rcgp.org.uk/rcgp-near-you/faculties/london-and-south-england-region/wessex-faculty.aspx
Royal Society of Medicine www.rsm.ac.uk
Wessex Academic Health Science Network https://wessexahsn.org.uk/events/2020-08-01
Wessex GP Educational Trust https://www.wgpet.co.uk/events