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South West Primary Care Academy: Personal Resilience and Wellbeing

20 June 2023 @ 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm

South West Primary Care Academy Educational Session: Personal Resilience and Wellbeing
Tuesday 20th June 2023 / 18:30 – 21:00

Virtual workshop

The Primary Care Academy (South West) would like to invite you to attend a “Personal Resilience and Wellbeing” workshop with Dr Vik Mohan.

In this two and a half hour interactive workshop we will introduce you to some important evidence and ideas on how to maintain lifelong wellbeing, and give you the opportunity to work out how to survive and thrive as a GP.

 Dr Vik Mohan is an Exeter based GP, Director of Community Health at Blue Ventures Conservation, appraiser, life coach and wellbeing practitioner.

After two decades of working as a GP, he has seen first-hand how important it is that doctors look after themselves. Having spent the last five years learning about wellbeing and resilience, he now spends time working with individual clinicians, teams and leaders to promote greater wellbeing within the GP community.


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