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Mindfulness in Life and Work (4-Week Course)

17 May 2022 @ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Have you completed one of our Mindfulness taster sessions and feel ready to join the full course?
We’re starting a 4-week introduction to Mindfulness course, “Mindfulness in Life and Work” in January (2 hours per session, 1 session per week delivered on Tuesdays or Thursdays plus home practice). The course is designed for any member of health and care staff, whatever their role working for:

  • Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole Council (including BBML)
  • Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group
  • Dorset Council
  • Dorset County Hospital
  • Dorset HealthCare
  • Dorset’s primary care networks
  • Independent care providers in the BCP and Dorset Council areas
  • South Western Ambulance Service
  • Tricuro
  • University Hospitals Dorset


You will learn mindfulness techniques aimed at boosting presence and effectiveness, helping you manage competing demands at work and at home.

Mindfulness in Life and Work is a popular and highly acclaimed course that has been run in conjunction with Dorset Council for some years and is constantly evaluated as being extremely beneficial.

If you haven’t yet completed an introductory mindfulness taster session, click here to join a taster session!

One participant wrote after completing the Mindfulness in Life and Work course:

‘Absolutely amazing, it has changed my life entirely. I feel so much more connected to myself helping me to regulate my thoughts and feeling…plus, I gave up smoking!’

Mindfulness in Life and Work will help you to consciously seek and appreciate the small pleasures that are always around us and understand why we are drawn to unhelpful thoughts and patterns.

We will help you to cultivate skills to manage your focus and cope with life’s challenges. Past participants have reported their relationships with themselves and others, both at work and at home have had positive improvement after completing this course.

Mindfulness in Life and Work is a course particularly useful for staff who experience stress, anxiety or low mood symptoms.

If you have completed a taster session already, Click here to register for the course.

Note: If you are suffering from severe depression with suicidal thinking, active PTSD or unstable bipolar disorder then there may be a free course better designed for you from NHS services. Please see your GP or refer yourself to Steps2Wellbeing.

Course Schedule

There will be three course cycles in 2022, each delivered over two months. Please book the one most convenient for you based on your availability. You can either attend the course on Tuesdays or on Thursdays on the dates/times below:


  • Tuesday 17 May 13.00 – 15.00
  • Tuesday 24 May 13.00 – 15.00
  • Tuesday 7 June 13.00 – 15.00
  • Tuesday 14 June 13.00 – 15.00



  • Thursday 19 May 10.00 – 12.00
  • Thursday 26 May 10.00 – 12.00
  • Thursday 9 June 10.00 – 12.00
  • Thursday 16 June 10.00 – 12.00